“Seek fellowship among those who share your [theological]
vision of the renewal that the Christian world needs, even the
evangelical world. Recognize that spiritual truth and spiritual renewal
are the primary things, and that ecclesiastical matters come second.
Then, the Lord will be with you, will bless you, and use you. So may it
be. Amen.”
J.I. Packer (in an interview with Carl Trueman)
When asked in seminary where he hoped to minister, Brian always responded with, "The Midwest".
No, it wasn't primarily because that's where our families are located.
It was primarily because he sensed the need for a "Reformation" in the Midwest.
I didn't fully understand what Brian meant until he took his first pastorate in northern Iowa - the Midwest.
Now I understand that there is a lack of Reformed Christians in the Midwest.
It's sad.
While my tendency is to run back to where it's "safe" (a richly Reformed area), Brian's is one of perseverance. Like a salesman, he desires to stay to convince others that the product he's "selling" is the Truth. Reformed doctrine is not man-centered. It's Christ-centered. Reformed doctrine isn't watered down. It's like a glass of dark, red wine while American evangelicalism is dark, red wine diluted with 3/4 water. Reformed doctrine satisfies the longings of the soul through Christ. Reformed Christians strive to cherish Jesus above all things.
One of the reasons I love my husband, in addition to his persevering nature, is because he has brilliant ideas. As of late, Brian is working to spread a passion for Christ by training local pastors and church leaders in Reformed theology. He's even created a FB page, blog, and a Twitter account for Reformation Midwest. We long for Midwest fellowship as stated in the Packer quote above. I pray that through Reformation Midwest, his preaching and teaching, and conversations with Christians, the Holy Spirit will change hearts & minds for a Reformation Midwest!
Won't you, too, pray for a Reformation Midwest!?
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