And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.
Genesis 17:7
Yesterday was Lucy's baptism into the Covenant of Grace. It was such a special day for our family. Brian and I were emotional from the very first song in the service. It just tears me up as I ponder what God promises to do in the lives of our children as we raise them in the faith.
I love that Lucy's daddy is her pastor so that he has the privilege of baptizing her.
Aidan was all eyes; this was an excellent opportunity for him to learn about baptism. It was fitting because his catechism question this week was, "What is a covenant?"
A blessing for Lucy.
We invited all the family to celebrate this wonderful occasion with us. Unfortunately, my parents were sick and brother & sister-in-law were on vacation. They were missed!
Aidan and his cousin, Sophie
They have such fun together!
While the ladies were preparing lunch, the guys did a mini-photo shoot. I haven't yet found a great one of just Lucy in her dress so she'll have to get dressed up again this week. I just loved her dress; I told Brian the next big, white, frilly dress we buy will most likely be her wedding dress...*tear*.
Papa Jake and Lu
Daddy and his girlie
Lucy & Bop John
Bop John with all of his grandchildren.
I know, it's no fun being at the kid table...alone.
Her beautiful cake.
Afternoon fun.
What a special and blessed day for our family. I will always remember it and cherish the memories. Thanks to all of those who shared it with us.
Your faithfulness endures to all generations...
Psalm 119:90
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