Saturday, June 25, 2011

Favorites: Brownback & Fitzpatrick

Last winter at Desiring God's Pastor's Conference that Brian attended, I came across an "On-the-Go" devotional for women entitled "Contentment".  I was so desperately trying to be content in the new town God had just placed our family, and I was losing the battle.  We bought the devotional and I began reading an entry each morning during my quiet time.

I was so impressed with this little devotional by Lydia Brownback.  Each day I would underline nearly 1/3 of the devotion, writing notes to myself and praying over each Truth that I encountered.  It was just what I needed on my journey to contentment.  Ms. Brownback has also written devotionals on joy, trust, and purity.  They are so amazing; I just finished her joy devotional and am now reading the one on purity.
What makes Lydia Brownback's work so special?  It's "biblically rigorous" - I am daily challenged in my walk with Christ.  It's deep (and I've read a lot of devotionals).  It gives you a whole different, Christ-centered perspective on daily life.  
On the back cover, Nancy Leigh DeMoss is quoted,
"Lydia Brownback calls Christian women to lift their eyes upward and find security, rest, and peace in a sovereign God whose promises never fail!"
And Elyse Fitzpatrick:
"Skillful devotionals for those who face the challenge to 'fit it all in'.  Biblically rigorous and deeply perspective.  Godly insights from a godly sister."

They are sooo good.  Go to Amazon today and purchase one!  God has worked amazing, supernatural things in my heart through His Truths in Brownback's devotionals.  I pray that you are as blessed by her work as I have been.  Let me know what you think of them, if you decide to purchase one.

Another book that arrived in my Amazon box yesterday (I just had to spend $25 for free Supersaver shipping!) was Elyse Fitzpatrick's book Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus.  (Fun side-note: Elyse had some classes at Westminster Seminary California with Brian, and I had the wonderful opportunity of knowing her through some of the Wscal women's events!) I've only read the intro and first chapter so far, but it's been so good for me to read.  I am such a law-girl; black and white; it's right or wrong and you'd better...  Elyse discusses the immense importance of not driving law into your kids with a bunch of rules (that's why, according to her cited research nearly 88% of 'Christian' children 'are lost to utter rebellion or to works based cults'), but by gracious parenting.

I am an example girl; show me how it looks.  And Elyse does.  For example, Bennie is wiggling and talking during prayer time.  A gracious response would be:
"Do you know why we love to pray, Bennie?  We love to pray because our hearts were just like yours...all we wanted to do was have fun...but God changed our hearts...and showed us that even though we didn't love him or like to talk to him, he loved us anyway.  And when you find out how kind someone has been to you and how amazing his love is for you, it makes you want to talk to him..." 
I just pray and pray and pray that God would make me a wise, gracious parent whose children grow up to treasure Christ Jesus above all things.

I am so very thankful for women like Lydia Brownback and Elyse Fitzpatrick who write so that other women may benefit from their wisdom.
Enjoy!  (And if you live near me and want to borrow them, let me know!)