Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day

David Mathis from Desiring God wrote this amazing article in honor of Mother's Day:

What a high and important calling it is to be a mother.  Bedrest has given me much time to pray and reflect on my nearly three years as a mom, and I pray that God will allow me to be even a fraction of the mom that Charles Spurgeon had.  I love the excerpts about her from the above article:

I am sure that, in my early youth, no teaching ever made such an impression upon my mind as the instruction of my mother; neither can I conceive that, to any child, there can be one who will have such influence over the heart as the mother who has so tenderly cared for her offspring. . . .

Never could it be possible for any man to estimate what he owes to a godly mother. Certainly I have not the powers of speech with which to set forth my valuation of the choice blessing which the Lord bestowed on me in making me the son of one who prayed for me, and prayed with me.

Wow - a high and holy calling, indeed!  Happy Mother's Day!
 I love being mama to these two.


Country Threads said...

I love the pictures of Aidan and Leo, 2 brothers! I miss both of them and can't wait until you're all back home again.