Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Reminder

Life has changed since Aidan's second birthday.
He is still the most wonderful, happy little man, but he's now suddenly very certain of what he wants.
Unfortunately, as Aidan's mama, I need to make sure that what he is doing is what is best for him at the moment.  Sometimes there is a collision between what is best and what he wants.
For example, a few Mondays ago I was busy working on my long "To-Do" list when Aidan continually let himself outside - either into the garage or the backyard.  Exasperated by chasing him down time & time again, I turned my list over and slid it out of sight.  Aidan and I spent the rest of the day practicing asking Mommy to go outside and then finding other activities to do if Mommy's answer is, "Not now."
Even though Aidan - his character, his training, etc. - is much more important to me than a "To-Do" list, it is definitely difficult to let the dishes sit in the sink, the laundry go unfolded and the beds unmade in order to "train him up in the way he should go".  However, I know that my greatest accomplishment each day isn't a clean house or an edible meal, it is nurturing the child that God has entrusted to my care.  As Ginger Plowman writes, "It is my calling, my priority, my struggle, and my goal."

She goes on to say motherhood, "[Is] about molding character, building confidence [in Christ], nurturing, training, and guiding...A mother's influence has enormous potential to shape the person a child becomes, for good or ill."

Thomas Edison said wonderful things about his mother, "My mother was the making of me.  She was so true, so sure of me;  and I felt that I had someone to live for, someone I must not disappoint."  George Washington said, "My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.  All that I am I owe to my mother.  I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her."

The mothers of these great men reached their hearts, by God's grace.  Moms, let's pray daily that we may be faithful to our high calling of nurturing our children in the LORD.  Aren't we so thankful that God works even through sinful us, for His glory?!  I sure am - it's so humbling!

Lastly, the girltalk blog is doing a series on Motherhood.  It's so good.  I encourage you to head on over and be encouraged in your calling.