Thursday, October 27, 2011

The New Liberalism

Fall cleaning has begun!  Well,'s technically not fall cleaning at the Lund household.  I've set out to deep clean one room a month from October to April - October's the kitchen.  Last week I cleaned out and reorganized all the kitchen cupboards - it feels so good to have that done!  My fridge and oven are spotless too - yay!

For the first 20 minutes of the six hours it took to complete those tasks, I worked in silence.  Then I turned the radio on.  And then I thought, "How am I redeeming the time as I am cleaning?"  [This question has popped into my mind a lot lately - "How do I redeem the time at my sewing machine?"  Now I memorize Scripture while I sew. OR "How do the farmers redeem the time when they're going back and forth, back and forth in the field?"]

So I set my computer to the White Horse Inn (dot org) and began listening to their radio shows.  I just think the world of Dr. Michael Horton because he was one of Brian's favorite profs at Westminster.  Not only did my cleaning time seem to quickly pass, but I was learning!  

I want to recommend one talk in particular to you: Christianity & The New Liberalism.  If you go to the WHI site, you'll find "Listen to WHI!" on the right side.  There you'll find this talk.  It was really eye-opening for me, especially since I grew up in a large, fast growing evangelical church.  Not that all evangelical churches are becoming the "new liberal", but it's just something to ponder, be aware of, and pray against.
Happy listening!

P.S. How do you "redeem the time" when you're completing tasks that don't occupy your mind?  I'd love more suggestions!


JC said...

I listen to christian music while doing dishes and cleaning like Indelible Grace or Seeds Family Worship.

I also knit while I watch a TV show. :)