Have you been the wife in the passenger seat whose knuckles are white because of your husband's racecar driving? Or is your husband the one in Iowa who drives 51 mph in the 55 mph zone? Whatever it may be, it's easy for us wives to want to take control by just offering a few suggestions on how to drive appropriately. You only want to arrive alive! Or maybe you're the husband who feels belittled and frustrated by the wife who is constantly back-seat driving. You only want respect! Yes, we've all been there. This article by Winston T. Smith was very eye opening for me because it offers unique, God-glorifying insights into the driving scenarios, as well as many other "tough" areas of marriage as well. I recommend taking three minutes to read it. As Mr. Smith suggests, it is just ordinary love that can create extraordinary changes in your marriage. Enjoy.
And, guess what?! Last night, as we drove to the nearby town for supper, I put into practice what the author recommended "Rita" do...and...it was a blissful car ride with a happy wife and a contented, respected husband...and we didn't even crash! ;)
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