Christmas cards! It's what everyone is talking about. So I decided to take my boys outside and try to get the perfect photo. Ha! If money grew on trees, I'd hire a professional AND sign up for an online camera class so I wouldn't have to hire a professional in the future. As you'll see from the pictures below, our hunt for the perfect Christmas card picture is still in effect.
At first, Mr. A didn't even want to go outside.
But he was happy once he was out there.
Both Aidan and Leo know that they aren't supposed to go past these Cedar trees into the neighbor's yard. One of the kids likes to test the boundary... far can I get around the tree before Mom grabs me?
All is well until...
Leo grabs Aidan's mitten.
And doesn't bring it back (at least for a few seconds).
But soon enough, Leo decides he'd better be an obedient boy and comes running back with the wet, slobbery mitten.
That was our photo shoot. Today is a really nice, sunny day as well and I might try to get some more pictures to see if any of them turn out.
Guess what!? I have a smart phone now! And I even know what an app is and how to get one. I also have data on my phone - wow. Brian and I entered the 21st century last Thursday. The T-Mobile guy gently teased us about our ancient phones. Last night I talked to a Cali bestie and couldn't get over the great reception - normally I have to piece together the conversation because my phone would break up so many times. It was wonderful - now I wonder why I put up with that for four long years!
Unfortunately, the guy didn't get my numbers transferred over correctly. Only three contacts - my mom, my sister-in-law and my Kgal - transferred correctly. I apologize if I haven't called - I just don't have your number! Today I hope to spend some time playing around and figuring out my new phone! (PS - mine is above on the left!)
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