Friday, May 25, 2012


1. Biking with Tate.  Aidan loves Tate!
2. Leo spends his days outside now; I have to beg him to come in the house at night.
3. Aidan actually keeps his hat on this summer.
4. Kathy Upmeyer gave Aidan a swimming pool.  He was super excited to fill it up.  Thanks, Kathy!

 [So I am terrible at getting my InstaFriday formatted - on my draft, the type is under the pictures, but when I preview it, it's like four feet below...SORRY!  I need a lesson.]
 5. Aidan loves to color next to Mommy at the breakfast bar.
6. My shopper!
7. Mommy's Group met at the park yesterday.  Aidan wanted to go down the slide ALL BY HIMSELF.  "Away" he told me if I tried to help.
8. Our beans are up!
9-10. I played around with a new app I just got on my phone: Photo Grid.  It's so cool!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!  Be praising God for the millions who have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms.  Pick up Unbroken at your local library if you haven't already read it.  Wow - SUCH an amazing story of all that our veterans have endured.